DO YOU NEED CAMBRIDGE IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) AND IB PROGRAM MATH and/or PHYSICS SPECIALIST TEACHER FOR ONLINE TUTOR by using “ZOOM” Application?
ANDA BUTUH SPESIALIS GURU PRIVATE ONLINE dengan menggunakan aplikasi “ZOOM” UNTUK PROGRAM CAMBRIDGE IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) dan IB (International Baccalaureate) Pelajaran MATEMATIKA dan/atau FISIKA?
Teaching experiences to the students at many schools :
British International School Jakarta
Sekolah Tiara Bangsa (ICS International Jakarta)
Sekolah Pelita Harapan (SPH) International
BINUS International
Global Jaya International
Raffles International
Mentari International School
Ichthus School
High Scope Indonesia
Sekolah Victory Plus (International Program)
Global Prestasi School (International Program)
Tersedia juga OFFLINE Tutor dengan menerapkan Protokol Kesehatan 3M.
Please call/sms/WA: 0852-1561-5050
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